Finance & Tax

Finance and Tax research and data includes information regarding polices and management practices related to budgeting, financial management and accounting, auditing, property assessments and tax (revenue) collections, tele-communications, and economic development.


Health & Human Services

Health and Human Services research and data includes information regarding polices and management practices related to hospital services, health services, mental health services, public assistance, developmental disabilities, emergency medical services, veteran’s services and other matters related to the health and welfare of Florida’s citizens.



Growth Management

Growth Management research and data includes information regarding polices and management practices related to comprehensive planning and zoning and housing and urban development.





Transportation research and data includes information regarding polices and management practices related to road and street facilities, airports, water transportation systems, mass transit systems and other transportation systems and services.



Environmental & Agriculture

Environmental and Agriculture research and data includes information regarding polices and management practices related to utilities, garbage and solid waste, sewer and waste water services, conservation and resource management (including water and agricultural land use), flood control and storm water management and other matters related to the physical environment of Florida’s counties.