To view the full 2019 County Government Revenues & Expenditures report, please click here.

Section 1: Revenues & Expenditures

County governments—along with municipal governments and special districts—are required by Part III of Chapter 218, Florida Statutes to report Annual Financial Reports to Florida’s Department of Financial Services using uniform accounting practices and procedures. These reports include total revenues and expenditures for each local government, and represent fiscal years beginning October 1st of each year and ending the following September 30th. The most recent year for which complete data is available is the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

Major Categories of Revenues Include:

• Taxes
• Permits, Fees, and Special Assessments
• Intergovernmental Revenues
• Charges for Services
• Judgments, Fines, and Forfeits
• Miscellaneous Revenues
• Other Sources

Major Categories of Expenditures Include:

• Courts
• Culture & Recreation
• Economic Development
• General Government
• Health & Human Services
• Physical Environment
• Public Safety
• Transportation
• Other Uses

Section 2: Select Economic Factors in Florida


The National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports official estimates and projections of the total veteran population by each state, congressional district, and county in the U.S. The Center also reports the dollar expenditures within each of these geographic units for major VA programs.

Industry Employment

The U.S. Census Bureau produces the American Community Survey (ACS) annually to help local officials and their communities understand changes taking place at the local level. The survey is the premier source for detailed population and housing information in the U.S. Among these data are estimates of the total population in the civilian labor force, broken down by public and private sectors as well as more specific industries. The civilian labor force includes civilians 16 years of age and over who are either employed or seeking employment and are not in institutions such as correctional facilities, mental health hospitals, or nursing homes. County labor force data are not seasonally adjusted. The U.S. Census Bureau notes that annual average figures, over time, tend to be a better gauge of labor force trends in and around an area.

Arrest and Prison Populations

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement produces its Annual Uniform Crime Report each year to report on standardized crime statistics throughout the state. This report includes arrests data broken down by race and gender, as well as the following type of offenses: murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, kidnapping and abduction, arson, simple assault, drug and narcotics, bribery, embezzlement, fraud, forgery and counterfeiting, extortion and blackmail, intimidation, prostitution, other sex offenses, DUIs, vandalism and damaging of property, weapons violations, gambling, liquor law violations, and other offenses.

The Florida Department of Corrections publishes both monthly and annual Florida County Detention Facilities Average Inmate Population reports to provide a profile of the state’s county jail inmate populations. Counties report these data to the Department as required by Section 951.23, Florida Statutes. Data in these reports are also broken down by those inmates sentenced to more than 365 days, those sentenced to less than 365 days, those awaiting trial for a felony, and those awaiting trial for a misdemeanor.

Total county citizen populations reported each in the Annual Uniform Crime Report and the Florida County Detention Facilities Average Inmate Population report sometimes differ slightly. Arrests per incarceration is a measure of arrests per 100,000 citizen population divided by the average daily prison population per 100,000 citizen population.

Public Roads

The Transportation Data and Analytics Office at Florida’s Department of Transportation produces comprehensive reports of mileage, traffic, pavement, and other information that it sends to the Federal Highway Administration each year. These data are used to determine federal highway funding. Local governments submit data on county and city public roads as part of this process, which is required by Section 218.322, Florida Statutes. Total miles of public roads reflect the total miles of roads under the jurisdiction of the State Highway System, the U.S. government, or one of Florida’s 67 counties or a municipality within a county. “Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled” is a measure of total traffic on a road, and is calculated by multiplying the average daily traffic count by the length of the road.